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Table and Card
Technology associated with control and security of your establishment
Among the main functionalities, it helps the establishment operational processes, such as purchases and data storage. In addition, it has facilitating resources for the management of food and beverages, from the preparation of technical file and nutritional composition, to the sales management analysis
The system basic package features Quick Sale and TaxObligations, and the following options:
- Shopping;
- Financial;
- Tax accounting (verification and necessary obligations);
- Control of tables;*
- Control by consumption cards;*
- EFT;
- iPDV (Entries through Smartphones)
- Environment map;
- Kitchen monitor;
- Multicompany;
- Delivery;
- Orders;
- Stock;
- Events & Conventions.
*Integration with microterminals, scales and barcode scanners.

Quick sale
Sale that occurs directly with the cashier, without needing to open commands.

Print order for multiple printers
When taking an order with beverage and / or food order, each order goes to its sector (bar and kitchen) and can be printed in different printers.

Offline operation
When you are disconnected from the server, the POS continues to operate normally.

With this functionality it is possible to monitor the reserves and the normal flow of the establishment. As well as, the different environments when bar and restaurant are attached.

Event control
In case of attending events, the establishment can control what was contracted (menu, decoration, additional services, etc).

Delivery control
The system allows you to control the delivery orders separately from the rest of the establishment orders.

Order control
You can control orders taken for the establishment.

Combo Control
With this feature you can assemble combos of items (food and beverages), such as the gourmet.

Ordering by Mobile device
Allows you to take orders by mobile devices (Smartphones and tablet).

Call Control
Allows you to control the establishment vouchers.

Consummation management
With this functionality it is possible to generate the consummation value that the customer will pay to the establishment.

Partitioned account closure
Allows partitioning the account by number of people, values, forms of payment, among others.

Table map and consumption card map
This function shows a map of all the tables location and commands used in the establishment.

Transfer between tables / cards
This feature is used to control when a customer swaps tables, commands or even the environment inside the establishment.

Advance payment control
This function allows the customer to make a cash advance to be consumed by him, when he goes to the establishment.
Developed with three-tier technology,, Desbravador Fast enables using touchscreen equipment that speeds up the taking of commands and orders.
Automation of operational processes;
Elaboration of technical file and nutritional composition;
Facility in food and beverage management;
Managementl analysis of purchases and sales.

The system access occurs through an individualized password. Each user will be associated with a group of permissions with rules and limitations, according to the responsibilities of each work team member.
In addition, the system has the advantage of working with unique registrations for people, services, items, etc. You can also select the products with highest sales flow and add them to the "Favorites" category, to be more practical at the sale time.
The Stock module makes it possible to analyze the situation of stockroom items and other sectors.
Analysis of costs and balances;
Derivations, decompositions, fractions and compositions of items;
Control of inputs and outputs;
Issuance of inventory, balance sheet, technical sheet, nutritional sheet, requisition and transfer between sectors;
Auditable write-off;
Production control.
The Shopping module helps you to quickly and safely purchase items. It allows the accomplishment of quotations with several suppliers and analyzes the best cost-benefit.
Shopping list;
Shopping request;
Online quotation;
Online Submission of the purchase order to the supplier
Latest purchases Report;
Purchasing statistics report;
Monthly variation of input costs;
Multi-company quotation;
Centralized purchasing.
This module provides the user with an overview of the financial situation of the establishment.
Account receivables / payables;
Batch payment;
Estimative of provisions;
Management of checking accounts;
Movement by financial account;
Financial balance;
Cash flow;
CNAB integration;
Multi-currency (for receipt in cash);
Issuance of tickets / billing group;
Conciliation of credit and debit cards;
Income x expenses statement;
The Managerial module helps you making decisions and generate personalized reports.
Sales analysis;
Cash Register Conference;
Monthly Invoicing Map;
Contribution margin;
Price, profitability and consumption per customer;
Reportings generator;
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